Native Check

English or Japanese

We Care About Your Research

We offer native English and Japanese checks for documents that have already been translated. Bayberry differs from other translation companies in that all of our translators are completely bilingual. We are familiar with common mistakes made in translation between Japanese and English and can rephrase your document to better convey the intended meaning as well as check a document based on content written in the original language. We are also experienced in checking work with subject sensitive wording such as medical and legal papers.

We Have the Experience You Need

Our staff has been doing medical and technical papers for over 10 years. We offer services for research papers, poster sessions and abstracts, as well as training for presentations, and preparation for question and answer sessions after the presentation. We also have extensive training in legal documents for both English and Japanese. 

We Want to Understand You

Unlike similar services who simply want to get the job done and get paid, we really want your document to maintain both the precision and the passion that you have put into your work. To make this possible, we offer a live zoom conference to discuss your work. Many times, the English report we are sent doesn't convey the real reason for your research, and some cases, ends up saying the opposite of what the author meant!  We would like a chance to talk directly with you before we start work and sometimes, if things are unclear, to contact you and ask more questions. Also, if you have any questions after the check, we are available to discuss your work further. 

We charge ¥500 per 10 min. for short conferences, and you can choose to schedule one at your convenience if you would like to tell us about your work before we begin the native check.

Our Prices are Much Lower

Send in your document for a quote. You will be surprised. Most full length research papers are between ¥30,000 and ¥40,000. That's roughly 70% less than other options. You get much more for much less at Bayberry English.

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